Stationary Lead Acid Batteries


Tubular Plates Tubular Plates

Positive plate grids are composed of specific number of bars made of lead-antimony alloy and the bus bar which ties them to each other at the top.

A tergal formed by tubes braided together is slided over these bars. Each tube seat is filled with the active material to establish a good contact with lead bars. The active material is transformed to a firm solid material during the forming charge and it forms a whole with the tube wall and the lead bars. It has a high degree of porousity. It also has a good  connection wirh the bars to conduct electricity.

Electrolyte freely moves in the activematerial and among the tubes. Problem related spilling of positive active material is eliminated by means of the low resistant and lasting polyster tubes.

2-Negative Plates

These plates are made by pasted grid seats specially desinged out of lead-antimony alloy, with active material applied under pressure. They are as long lasting as the tubular positive plates.

Micro-prous seperators prevent short circutting during accumulation of active material and weaaring out.They are characterized for simplifying the flow of current and movement of electrolyte.

The eletrolyte attained by mixing sulphiric acid wiyh pure water has a density of 1,24 gr/cm³ at 20°C  in a battery at full charge.

5-Cell Containers
Cell Containers are made of high quality plastic, transparent plastic or hard rubber. monoblok seriler halindedir.

6-Vent Plugs:
All acid particles splashing around return to the cell because  of the specially desinged vent plugs.They enable the free oxygen and hydrogen to easily go out.

7-Cell Outles (Terminals) Connectors and Attachments:

Terminals made out of lead antimony alloy and inter cellular connections out of lead plated copper. Loss of voltage is prevented by making these connectors with as low resistance as possible. We have various types of connectors to suit customer desires.

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