WHEEL Types Available

Tyres for Wheels:

Pneumatic Tyre - For all kind of Terrain Supplied with tyre and inner tube.

Reinforced Tube Tyre - Semi - elastic, Tube tyre reinforced inside with perpendicular segments.

Solid Tyre - For smooth terrain

Shafts for wheel supplied with:
Roller Bearing or Bushing

Code Numbers for Spare Wheels:
62225 Pneumatic Type with Roller Bearing
63225 Reinforced Tube Tyre with Roller Bearing
63210 Reinforced Tube Tyre with Bushing
64220 Solid Tyre with Roller Bearing
64210 Solid Tyre with Bushing

Code Numbers for Wheel Shafts:
67518 Shaft With Bushing
67526 Shaft With Bearing